Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh – two urban districts in the northwest of Dortmund, so connected that even long-time residents sometimes feel unsure about in which neighborhood they are in. Here you can explore many interesting places, take part in various activities and meet lovely people. No matter if you are new to the neighborhood, have lived here for a long time or are just curious: Exploring Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh is totally worth it! Enjoy!
Green on the outside
- colorful on the inside
That´s what our neighborhood is like. Surrounded by a green landscape – the nature reserve Mastbruch/ Rahmer Forest, the hills of Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh, allotment gardens and two castles – life in our neighborhood is diverse and colorful. It gets shaped by many different faces and stories, influenced by several countries and places, some that are known by everyone, and some that are yet to explore.

Services in our neighborhood
There is always a lot going on in Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh. Various services are offered by the most diverse institutions for all residents here. No matter if you are looking for stores, help and advice, health-related and society- or sport-related offers – on this website you can learn about the different offers and services within the neighborhood, find the right contact person for personal concerns and get all the inside-tips about Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh.
Any offers missing on our website? Contact the editorial team and we´ll add your services!
Exploring places
Join us and discover beautiful places all around Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh. It´s the astounding nature and the energetic and inspiring people that make Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh unique - true to our motto: Green on the outside, colorful on the inside. Get in on a discovery journey through Westerfilde& Bodelschwingh and find new sides to our beautiful neighborhood.
Questions? Answers!
Any further questions about Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh? Suggestions about our homepage? Or are you interested in joining the editorial team?